Category Archives: game

Favorite Fridays – Arkham Horror

Let us journey back to the summer of 2011. My family is on vacation in Ocean City, Maryland in a condo a block from the beach. Those who know me well are aware I have 2 arch nemeses, one of which is the sun (a story for another time) and the other.. well we will discuss that later. I thus avoided the beach more often than not and withdrew to the comfort of the air conditioned condo to enjoy a book or game. My brother and my dad often joined me in this seclusion and we quickly turned to games to fill our time and it was thus that my brother introduced us to Arkham Horror. The vitals Released 2005 (remake of a game from 1987) Designer: Richard Launius & Kevin Wilson Plays: 1-8 (I’d recommend 4-5 and...

Camel Up (9.1/10)

Brian, Eric, and Sean take a look at the 2014 Spiel Des Jahres winner Camel Up; will it live up to the hype or fall flat like a camel out of the gate?!

Worker Wednesday – Caverna

It’s Wednesday; what does that mean? It means it is time for the first Worker Wednesday of 2015! The day of the week I look at worker placement games. These reviews will go much like every other review with a minor exception; they will all feature games that heavily rely on worker placement. For those who have known me for a while this would come as a shock; I was at one point in my life not a big fan of worker placement games; I would make the argument that they were all the same with minute differences that didn't add enough to the game to differentiate themselves from others, essentially saying, “If you've played one worker placement, you've played every worker placement.” Fortunately my life has changed and I have found a...

Follow Up Tuesday – Bohnanza

It is time for Follow Up Tuesday! What is Follow Up Tuesday you ask? Well on Mondays we look at various mechanics then on the day after we follow it up with a game that I think uses that mechanic very well or has revolutionised the mechanic in some way. Yesterday we looked at the mechanic of Hand Management; today we are going to look at a game that I think uses this mechanic in a genious manner arguably changing the way I viewed the mechanic entirely, so lets take a look at Bohnanza. The vitals Released 1997 Designer: Uwe Rosenberg Plays: 2-7 EPT: 45 minutes While Bohnanza was released in 1997 I was not introduced to the game until much later; mid 2000s in fact. I had heard of the game and knew it relied heavily...

Favorite Fridays – Scotland Yard

Welcome to Part 2 in my 261 part journey through gaming! Since this is the first Friday of 2015 Let me explain how Favorite Fridays work. I have played a lot of games, and it is always hard to pick favorites but there are some games that stick out in our memories better than others; they may not be the best games, but for some reason they hold a special place in our hearts. These are the games I will be covering on Fridays. I will begin each review by giving the game’s vitals (designer, release date, accolades, etc) followed by explaining how I was introduced to the game, detailing how the game plays, my initial perceptions of the game and how I see the game now, before finally detailing the games current...

2015 – A year in 261 parts

Welcome to 2015. 2014 was a great year for us at Gamer’s Remorse (click here for a review of 2014), but 2014 is over and 2015 has just begun! With a new year come new games, new experiences, new IPs, and many more things to be excited about. As I was reflecting on 2014 and thinking of ways I could improve on the experience to make 2015 all it could be I had a few grand ideas cross my mind but it was not until Sean made a proposition that I found my goal; my resolution if you will. Let us go back in time to a chat between Sean and I… September 30, 2014 Sean: “I have a challenge for you next year… every day a game review” Brian: “365 reviews.... that would take a...

A Year End Letter From Brian

Hey fellow gamers! It seems that we have reached the time of the year in which everyone reflects on the year gone by and looks forward to the year to come. So who am I to avoid social norms when I can give in and become one of the lemmings?! 2014 has been good to Gamer’s Remorse; we saw many games cross our table, many friends moving meeples, and many memories made. I ran some stats as I tried to wrap my mind around 2014 and made some discoveries and thought I’d share them with you. In 2014 we here at Gamer's Remorse: Reviewed/previewed 63 games 39 of them were indie games of a print on demand nature 11 of them were mainstream games 12 of them were games we got through...

Magic 2015 – Garruk’s Revenge

For a while now the board game and video game world has been experiencing some cross over; especially in the form of some fantastic app versions of our favorite tabletop games. Today I will take a break from my norm to discuss one such digital interpretation of an analog game; Magic 2015; Garruk’s Revenge. This is the expansion to the most recent set in the Duels of the Planeswalkers series. Garruk's Revenge Having played the last few incarnations of Duels of the Planeswalkers I was more than slightly intrigued by the prospect of a new addition to the DotP family, and I was excited that we would get to play with more cards and thus build more decks. It was thus without delay that I delve into the game upon its release last...