2015 – A year in 261 parts

Welcome to 2015.

2014 was a great year for us at Gamer’s Remorse (click here for a review of 2014), but 2014 is over and 2015 has just begun! With a new year come new games, new experiences, new IPs, and many more things to be excited about.

As I was reflecting on 2014 and thinking of ways I could improve on the experience to make 2015 all it could be I had a few grand ideas cross my mind but it was not until Sean made a proposition that I found my goal; my resolution if you will. Let us go back in time to a chat between Sean and I…

September 30, 2014
Sean: “I have a challenge for you next year… every day a game review”
Brian: “365 reviews…. that would take a lot of game playing…”

we chatted a bit further about the idea before I laughed it off as a silly proposition made in jest; I am still not sure how serious Sean was about the challenge. The idea continued to pop back into my mind, however, and finally in late November I decided I will attempt to post a review, preview, blog, or some other game related content every weekday of 2015*.

The asterisk. I withhold the right to skip the occasional day for the sake of holidays, sickness, and conventions. The latter, however, may be subsidized with vlogs on our youtube channel from the convention.

So what does this mean? This means there will be plenty of awesome content headed your way. I have already outlined January’s posts (subject to change of course) and will be doing:
Mechanic Mondays: in which I look at various game mechanics
Follow Up Tuesdays: where I will highlight a game that utilizes the mechanic I covered on Monday
Worker Wednesday: I am newish to the world of the Euro, I am a recovering Ameritrasher (read for more info on that), but I will begin by looking at the worker placement games I am adding to my library as they find a place on my shelf.
Wild Card Thursday: These are the days I can cover whatever I want, a designer, a game, a mechanic, an expansion, whatever seems right at the time.
Favorite Friday: I will work my way through my list of favorite games; each week looking at one of them in particular. These may be old favorites, new favorites, forgotten favorites; again whatever feels good at the time.

Clearly I am a fan of alliteration… I’m not ashamed to admit that… just be glad I didn’t reach too far for the sake of finding a T for Tuesday or Thursday…

I look forward to this project and hope it helps you find, buy, and avoid the games you see fit; I aim to keep these posts short but beneficial. As the year goes on I’d love to hear from you; what games you want me to take a look at? What designers need highlighting? What mechanics am I missing? Let us know via our Social media.

Tomorrow on Favorites Friday: Scotland Yard, the game that introduced me to gaming and made me a gamer.

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Twitter @Gam3rsR3mors3
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