Tag Archives: tabletop


Eric, Brian, and Sean take a look at Sneeze by Fairway 3 Games. Sneeze is another game in the Gamer's Remorse Killer Game Challenge; in which indie game designers were tasked to create a game using Player Elimination that kept the eliminated players engaged and entertained. For more from the guys at Gamer's Remorse find us on our social media outlets! For more information on what we are up to and to join the conversation follow us on our social media outlets Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram ...

Mingle and Murder – Gamer’s Remorse Killer Game Challenge

Gamer's Remorse takes a look at another game in the Gamer's Remorse Killer Game Challenge; in which indie designers were tasked to create a game using Player Elimination that kept the eliminated players engaged. For more from the guys at Gamers Remorse find us on our social media outlets! For more information on what we are up to and to join the conversation follow us on our social media outlets: Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram ...

Little Red Riding Hood – Iello Games

Brian, Sean and Eric take a look at Little Red Riding Hood from Iello Games. Little Red is the fifth game in the Tales & Games series. For more from the guys at Gamers Remorse find us on our social media outlets! For more information on what we are up to and to join the conversation follow us on our social media outlets: Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram ...

Tides of Time – Portal Games (review)

For those of you who have been reading our Gen Con coverage one of the games Brian was very excited to pick up was Tides of Time by Portal Games; here is Sean and Brian's review; filmed immediately upon returning home... sorry for the evident fatigue... but this passion can't be contained! For more information on what we are up to and to join the conversation follow us on our social media outlets: Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram You can also see Brian interviewing Ignacy, head of Portal Games, as well! ...

Iello – Gen Con Press Event!

Earlier I posted a general flyby of our time at Gen Con, one of the events we wanted to give more time to, however, was the Iello event we had the chance of attending. Let me first explain the aesthetics and then the product. 11822286_614872805320250_4878656915942312412_n The event was held at one of the hotels near the convention center; making it easy to find. This was my first press event of the con so I wasn't sure what was in store, but upon arrival it was clear Iello didn't pull any stops; there were tables for both sitting as well as standing, a bar, and a buffet. As a reviewer I felt as though Iello recognized and cared about the value we brought to the table. It was great...

Bearly Escape – Gamer’s Remorse Killer Game Challenge

Brian, Eric, and Sean take a look at Bearly Escape by RevCofe Games. This game was submitted to the Gamer's Remorse Killer Game Contest in which designers were called to create a game rethinking the Player Elimination mechanic in which players were eliminated in a fashion but remained engaged in the game. For more content follow us at: Twitter.com/Gam3rsR3mors3 facebook.com/TheGamersRemorse Youtube.com/user/TheGamersRemorse...

GenCon 2015 Weekend in Review!

“The best 4 days in gaming.” a slogan that the popular board game convention Gen Con claims; and in this humble reviewer’s opinion lives up to. Having just returned from Gen Con I decided I would take some time to fill you guys in on what Sean and I experience over these last 4 days. I will give a general review of the weekend, a highlight from each day, and some company-centric announcements we got while talking to the various publishers.
    General Overview
Like most cons GenCon is a whirlwind of activity; over 50,000 people walking through the exhibit hall, demo rooms, and hallways makes for a sensory overload. Fortunately said senses are being fed with Board, Card, and Roleplaying Game goodness. Our con included (for Brian; each of our numbers vary by person) playing a mere...

Mechanic Monday – Grid Movement

Many games utilize maps of some sort; especially war games. Games such as Risk and Axis and Allies are known for their realistic map interpretations; players moving their units across the country borders as they do combat. Other games use an alternate method of movement; grid based. This is most often seen with a map being broken down into hexes or squares. BGG has the first dated game using grid movement as Hnefatafl (year 400); I’ve never heard of the game, but the system is used in chess and checkers so its historical existence is not in question. The system itself is quite variable as well; as seen in Chess. In Chess each player is given the same equipment and starts with the same pieces and positions as their opponent the pieces, however, hold the...