Tag Archives: placement

Follow Up Tuesday – Carcassonne

carassonneIn yesterday’s post we looked at the mechanic of Tile Placement; today we will take a closer look at how that mechanic plays out in Carcassonne. Released: 2000 Designers: Klaus-Jurgen Wrede Plays: 2-5 EPT: 45 minutes As is the usual we will only look at the base game of Carcassonne and save the expansions for a latter date, and for Carcassonne the expansions are many. I was first introduced to Carcassonne while in high school. My mother received the game as a gift asking for it as she thought it looked interesting. We quickly read the rules and began playing; all four of the players new to the game we each developed strategies as the game progressed. When the game ended we were eager to start over with our newly developed...

Mechanic Monday – Tile Placement

Some mechanics are moderately new as the hobby of gaming grows and adapts to new players, themes, and play styles. Other mechanics, however, seem to have existed since the hobby’s creation. Tile placement is one of the latter. According to Board Game Geek The mechanic of Tile Placement has arguably existed since 1120 with Chinese Dominoes. The year can be up for debate; but the idea that Dominoes is a tile placement game is clear making this one of the older mechanics that is still used in modern gaming. A vast majority of games that utilize Tile Placement involve matching parts of the tile to other parts already in play. In Carcassonne players must keep roads attached to roads; castle walls to castle walls, fields to fields, rivers to rivers, etc. Similarly in Alhambra players...

Wild Card Thursday – Game of Thrones (second edition)

Every once in a while a book, movie, show, or some other form of media takes the world by storm and the next thing we know there are posters, comics, games, toys, and various merchandise galore; one of the current hotnesses is Game of Thrones; the books as well as the show. In April of 2011 a hoard of new fans entered the fandom upon the release of the HBO show and thought man, someone should make a game about this. Low and behold, eight years earlier, Fantasy Flight had the same thought. FFG released the second edition of the Game of Thrones to coincide with the shows release and the game was suddenly a hit all over again. As a fan of the fantasy genre I had been familiar with Game of Thrones for a...

Worker Wednesday – Russian Railroads

Monday we looked at the mechanic of Worker Placement and we have thus far looked at two other worker placement games; Caverna and Lords of Waterdeep. In today’s installment of Worker Wednesday we will continue our journey into the land of meeple management as I review Russian Railroads! The vitals Released 2013 Designer: Helmut Ohley & Leonhard Orgler Plays: 2-4 EPT: 120 minutes Many of my gamer friends know I am a sucker for train games; be it the train rails system, Ticket to Ride, or the 18xx series I love locomotives. Partnered with my love for train games comes a love for Russia; this can be blamed on having lived in Russia for a year while growing up. When I thus learned to love worker placement games I knew I had to give Russian Rails...

Mechanic Monday – Worker Placement

Worker placement; a mechanic that I have been referencing all year... or at least the two Wednesdays we have had thus far in 2015, and yet I haven’t dedicated a Mechanic Monday to it yet; that is what we in the biz call an oversight... or clever planning for the sake of building anticipation... I’ll go with the latter... Today we shall delve into this mechanic to the full. What is worker placement? How does it work out in game? Why does it it work, or why may it not work? Thus far I have looked at two games that use this mechanic Caverna and Lords of Waterdeep. Both blogs are, in my biased opinion, worth taking a look at. Let us first define the mechanic of worker placement. Keydom is the game...