Tag Archives: placement

Little Red Riding Hood – Iello Games

Brian, Sean and Eric take a look at Little Red Riding Hood from Iello Games. Little Red is the fifth game in the Tales & Games series. For more from the guys at Gamers Remorse find us on our social media outlets! For more information on what we are up to and to join the conversation follow us on our social media outlets: Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram ...

Tides of Time – Portal Games (review)

For those of you who have been reading our Gen Con coverage one of the games Brian was very excited to pick up was Tides of Time by Portal Games; here is Sean and Brian's review; filmed immediately upon returning home... sorry for the evident fatigue... but this passion can't be contained! For more information on what we are up to and to join the conversation follow us on our social media outlets: Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram You can also see Brian interviewing Ignacy, head of Portal Games, as well! ...

Mechanic Monday – Bluffing

Just about everyone has been raised with the moral standard that lying is wrong; what about when that lying is part of a game? This has been a hot topic among groups for some time now; The Dice Tower’s temporary side cast, The Dice Steeple, had a good discussion on the topic as well as a few others. Rather than tackle the issue of the moral side of bluffing in games we will rather look at is as a mechanic. How does the mechanic work? When does it work? And what can the future hold for Bluffing games? I went to check Some history on bluffing as a mechanic and to my surprise it was not listed on Board Game Geek. I thus decided to look at a few games that use bluffing and discovered the...

Worker Wednesday – Agricola

agricolaThe second most asked question since I started Worker Wednesday has easily been, “Brian, when will you look at Agricola?” preluded only by, “Worker Placement games? Really how long can you keep that going?” Today we will address the first of those two questions. Released: 2007 Designer: Uwe Rosenberg Plays: 1-5 EPT: 30-180 minutes I have intentionally postponed my review of Agricola for one prime reason; I wanted a palate cleanser before the review. I will go into more details on that later, but up until recently my last experience with the game was far less than idea leaving a bad taste in my mouth; did my recent re-experience change that? You’ll have to stick around… or scroll down… and see. Just about everyone who is active in the gaming hobby has,...

Worker Wednesday – Zoophoria

Thus far on Worker Wednesdays we have mostly looked at fairly well known worker placement games. Games that most have played or at least heard of. Today we will step off the beaten trail and look at something different; a game less well known. Zoophoria. Released: ~2014(ish) Designer: Jim Billingham Plays: 2-6 EPT: 60-90 minutes Zoophoria is a game that Sean and I received via GameCrafter, and was later placed on Kickstarter; sadly the game did not reach its funding goal and is currently unavailable on TGC, but with time the game will hopefully resurface; until then you can check out more information on it at the website www.zoophoria.ca In Zoophoria players are attempting to manage a zoo as the current curator prepares for retirement; and like in all real life professions the best way to determine who takes over...

Worker Wednesday – Bremerhaven

bremerhavenLast week on Worker Wednesday we looked at a game that splits the fence on if it counts as worker placement game in Castles of Burgundy; this week I will continue in the world of ambiguity; why? Because some men just want to watch the world burn… So let us look at Bremerhaven and ask the question is it really a worker placement game? Released 2013 Designer: Robert Auerochs Plays: 1-4 EPT: 90 minutes Bremerhaven gives players the chance to take on the position of a harbor manager controlling the incoming and outgoing of goods with the end goal of having the highest score once the final round is over; this score is calculated by multiplying your remaining money by your harbor’s prestige. The game takes place on three main boards; water,...

Mechanic Monday – Simultaneous Action Selection

Friday I looked at 7 Wonders which uses the mechanics of Card Drafting, Set Collection, Variable Player Powers, and Simultaneous Action Selection. Today we will take a look at the last of those mechanics; I will state first that I feel the name is slightly misleading as the simultaneous aspect of these games is not always action related; I will also refer to the mechanic as SAS as Simultaneous Action Selection. Simultaneous Action Selection is an interesting mechanic as it serves multiple purposes from forcing players to plan ahead, increasing a game’s pace, to minimizing downtime between turns. The mechanic is is one that can be utilized in a variety of ways when partnered with other mechanics. Often SAS will be used as a part of a turn round in which players manage minor upkeep, turn...

Worker Wednesday – Castles of Burgundy

castles of burgubdy Worker Wednesday; the day of the week we get to enjoy the games using Worker Placement as a key mechanic. Today, however, we mix it up as we look at a game that many would not consider a Worker Placement game, but I am not one of the many. I am, however, right…. or at least I think I am; the game, Castles of Burgundy. Released 2011 Designer: Stefan Feld Plays: 2-4 EPT: 90 minutes Before I explain why I consider Castles of Burgundy to be a worker placement game let me explain the way the game plays. In Castles of Burgundy players are seeking to earn the most points by developing their estate and developing it with fields, castles, mines, and learning. The game plays on a...