Dem Gems (indie) – Old Coote Games

bf7017370f50c329b036b6b3b7ff813a5578e887Dem Gems is a 2 to 4 player game that should play in 30 minutes or less designed by Old Coote Games. Note the game Sean and I received and reviewed is slightly different from the one now listed on The Game Crafter; for the sake of highlighting the updates I will reference the differences as I go about explaining the rules; I will also use images from their pages illustrating the new updated art and game assets.

In Dem Gems; each player moves their pawn around the play area collecting points as they move over gems while avoiding bombs and holes with the goal of having the most points at the end of the game.

6214d3058d42657a9067c8a0109f95adccd79592The play area is assembled by dealing 8 cards in a 2×4 grid to make a 4×4 playing surface; as each card has 2 squares. The remaining cards are dealt out evenly with any remaining cards being placed back in the box. Each player places their pawn on the play area in one of the corners before deciding amongst themselves who goes first. Each player take a turn rolling the die then moving their pawn that many squares. When their pawn steps on a gem they receive a token matching the color of the gem they crossed.

While moving about the board players can go up, down, left, and right, but not diagonal. Additionally players can not pass through spaces other players are already in nor may they backtrack over a square they already passed through on the same turn. The player must, however, move the full number of spaces rolled if possible even if that means stepping on hazard spaces.

The available location in the version we were shipped included Bombs (which cost you two points when passing through), holes (which take 2 movement actions to go through), blank squares (which players can pass through with no effect), and gem squares (which players earn a point for passing through). In the new version; additional gem tiles have been added, a blue gem worth two points, a green gem worth 3, and a portal that can be used to swap your pawn with the pawn matching the portal’s color.

After each player has moved the last player places one of the cards from their hand onto the grid, covering up 2 spaces with the two on the played card. The second round then begins. From the second round on after every player’s turn they play a card from their hand on to the play area. Bombs, holes, and the new portals must remain in play for a full round before being covered. To aid recalling which cards were played when the updated version ships with bomb markers; when a player plays a bomb card they place their marker on the card to symbolise it was just played; on their next turn they remove the marker to show the card can be covered up.

Play continues until all players are out of cards; another full round is than played before the final scoring. The player with the most points is deemed the victor while the other players wallow in their defeat.

Dem Gems plays fairly quickly with 2 players though with the addition of a third and 4th I found the game play slowing though not to a point where it adversely affects gameplay; though it is something to bear in mind when considering if the game fits for your play group.

The art on the cards is simple to comprehend, easy to differentiate, and visually well done. The updated game ships with tokens to track gems; which aids in end game scoring, and the rulebook is designed in an easy to read manner with great visual aids.

The key mechanics at play in the game are quick to pick up, though it was pointed out it is very much a freeform version of roll and move; through the challenge of the ever evolving board sets the game beyond many of the other roll and move games out on the market. It was that, play surface altering, aspect that I found the most enjoyable element of the game. A player can attempt to end their turn in a strategic position to find on their next turn the tile they hoped to get to was covered up or blocked by a bomb.

The game was loose on theme, but in a manner that it wasn’t detrimental though a theme could be developed and a few mechanics altered to add an additional fun element to the game; this too, however, is a per-playgroup item as not all players love themes in games as much as others.

As the game now available on the game crafter has varied from the game we played I feel my score may alter with the new art, additional cards, and modified mechanics; but the version on my shelf earns a good 6.75 out of 10. If you think this game sounds interesting to you check it out here:

I’ll be back soon with another indie game review!

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